第一作者:程扬(1994—),女,江苏扬州人,硕士,主要研究方向为水文与水资源。E-mail:chengyang16@mails.ucas.ac.cn 通信作者:赖锡军(1977—),男,浙江遂昌人,博士,研究员,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为环境水力学。E-mail:xjlai@niglas.ac.cn
以处于湿润区的巢湖流域为研究区,利用120个地面站点2016年1月至2017年2月的实测降水数据,评估了GPM IMERGE降水数据在研究区的适用性和分布规律。结果 显示:(1)GPM产品对巢湖流域降水的估测能力总体较高。日尺度上,GPM产品均表现出较高的线性相关性(R>0.78)和较低的均方根误差(RMSE<8.62 mm),但对降水存在一定程度的高估(BIAS>9.52%)。在季节尺度上,GPM数据与地面站点数据在夏季相关性最高(R>0.8),但均方根误差也最高(RMSE>13.8 mm)。(2)降水强度对GPM产品的探测精度存在影响,降水强度过低(0.1 mm/d)或过高(50 mm/d)对GPM的探测能力均有削弱。(3)流域中部GPM数据和地面站点降水量的相关性较边缘更高; 准实时产品在流域西南部绝对误差较大,但经地面站点校正后的GPM-F产品在流域内绝对误差分布较平均; 流域内多数站点的GPM数据高估了降水。(4)相比准实时产品,经地面站点校正的GPM-F产品在秋冬季和高强度降水中的精度较准实时GPM-E和GPM-L产品均有提升,但导致了更严重的高估情况。因此,在选择GPM产品进行流域降水分析及水文模拟时,应结合时效性要求、研究的时间尺度和降水强度等条件综合考量,并在研究流域做适当精度评估后选用。
The precipitation products from January 2016 to February 2017 in Chaohu Basin were compared with the corresponding data measured with rain gauges from 120 meteorological stations to evaluate the applicability of three GPM IMERGE products(early-run, late-run and final-run). The results show that:(1)on the daily scale, the products show high linear correlation(R>0.78)and low absolute error(RMSE<8.9 mm), but exhibit overestimated(BIAS>9.52%); on the seasonal scale, the GPM data and the observed data show the highest linear correlation(R>0.8)and the highest absolute error(RMSE>13.8 mm)in summer, which indicates that abundant precipitation can improve the accuracy of GPM products but heavy rain also leads to large absolute error;(2)rain intensity has a certain degree of influence on the detection accuracy of GPM products; too weak(0.1 mm/d)or too heavy(50 mm/d)rainfall leads to the reduced detection capability;(3)the linear correlation in the middle of the basin is higher than the other area; the absolute error of the near-real-time products is large in the southwest of the basin, but more average as to GPM-F products; GPM data from most stations in the basin overestimate the precipitation;(4)no matter in autumn and winter or in heavy rainfall, the accuracy of GPM-F products is improved compared with that of near-real-time GPM-E and GPM-L products; but GPM-F product makes a more serious overestimation. Therefore, timeliness, time scale and rainfall intensity should be comprehensively considered when GPM products are used for basin precipitation analysis or hydrological simulation.