SHU Hung-ming,HSU Chang-li,DAI Shin-yi.Investigation of Changshuping Landslide on Paichi Village of Chiayi County[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,2009,16(06):259-264.
- Title:
Investigation of Changshuping Landslide on Paichi Village of Chiayi County
- 作者:
徐弘明1, 许中立2, 戴欣怡1
1. 屏东科技大学 坡地防灾及水资源工程研究所, 台湾 屏东 912;
2. 屏东科技大学 水土保持系, 台湾 屏东 912
- Author(s):
SHU Hung-ming1, HSU Chang-li2, DAI Shin-yi1
1. Graduate Institute of Disaster Prevention on Hillslopes and Water Resources Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan 912, China;
2. Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan 912, China
- 关键词:
地滑; 地层位移; 边坡稳定
- Keywords:
landslide; stratum displacement; slope stability
- 分类号:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Landslide occurring has the reason nothing more than the natural geologic structure, rainfall, ground water, earthquake, driver bank corrosion and the artificial development destruction etc. Before the migration and controlling method constructed, must use many investigation, the observation and the experimental study methods, to discuss the reason cause sliding and understand its mechanism. Modified the suitable preventing and controlling method can reduce the disaster to the smallest harm degree. This experimental site located on the north side of Paichi Village, Jhuci Township of Chiayi County. Because the annual typhoon attacked this area caused hillside failure and landslide disasters. Many sediment and flood of stream cutting and washing operation at this slope foot area, and slope surface become many big erode gully to cause slope sliding significantly. Thus, this research was investigated the field geology, terrain, hydrology and stratum displacement conduction. According to understand slope stability and evaluate the continue change of stratum displacement.
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