[1]XU Meng,LIU Hongyan,WU Pan,et al.Characteristics of Soil Nutrient Leaching in Different Land Use Types of Hydro-junction in Central Guizhou Province[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,2017,24(01):25-30,35.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation[ISSN 1005-3409/CN 61-1272/P] Volume:
Number of periods:
2017 01
Page number:
Public date:
- Title:
Characteristics of Soil Nutrient Leaching in Different Land Use Types of Hydro-junction in Central Guizhou Province
- Author(s):
XU Meng1, LIU Hongyan1,2, WU Pan1, TU Gangqin1, CUI Junli1, LIU Yanping1
1. College of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China;
2. College of Agriculture, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
- Keywords:
land use; leaching; soil column; soil nutrients; nitrogen and phosphorus
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
The leaching losses of nitrogen and phosphorus from soils are closely related to land use types. Dry sloping land is the predominant type of land use in Hydro-junction in central Guizhou regarded as drinking water sources project, nitrogen and phosphorus of the sloping land are easily leaching loss. Three different typical land use types (farmland, forestland and wasteland) were chosen to analyze the leaching losses of nitrogen and phosphorus by using soil columns in order to evaluate the influence of non-point source pollution on water quality. The results showed that the leaching concentration and amount of nitrogen and phosphorus reduced, and became stable gradually with the increase of leaching duration. The main forms of nitrogen leaching loss were nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, organic nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen. The proportion of organic nitrogen was the largest, which accounted for 58.75%, 51.09%, 57.07% in wasteland, forestland and farmland, respectively, the following was nitrate nitrogen, which was more than ammonium nitrogen in different land use types. The main forms of phosphorus leaching loss were soluble phosphorus and particulate phosphorus, the proportion of particulate phosphorus was the largest, which accounted for 84.73%, 75.56%, 78.54% in wasteland, forestland and farmland, respectively. The change patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus varied in different land use types. The nitrogen leaching loss in farmland and phosphorus leaching loss in wasteland were more than others, therefore, the corresponding measures should be taken to prevent water from contamination.