
Welcome to Subscribe to Research of Soil and Water Conservation

¡¡¡¡Research of Soil and Water Conservation, ISSN1005-3409, CN61-1272/P, founded in 1985, is a Chinese academic journal focusing on earth science and published bimonthly. It is supervised by Chinese Academy of Sciences, and sponsored by Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Science & Ministry of Water Conservation. The journal has been selected as Key Magazine of China Technology, Core Journal of Chinese Science Citation Database, Chinese Core Journal, etc.

¡¡¡¡The paper version of the journal is published in A4 size, with 360 pages for each issue. Readers can subscribe the journal through local post office,and our postal distributing code is 52-211. The subscription price is 40 CNY per issue.

¡¡¡¡For more subscription information, please contact the Editorial Department:

¡¡¡¡Add: Editorial Department of Research of Soil and Water Conservation, No. 26, Xinong Road, Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China

¡¡¡¡Postcode: 712100

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Tel: 029-87012705¡¡Address: Editorial Department of Research of Soil and Water Conservation, No. 26, Xinong Road, Yangling, Shaanxi¡¡Postcode: 712100