[1]PENG Shunlei,YOU Wenhui,WANG Qiang,et al.Characteristics of the Leaf Carbon Isotope in the Castanopsis fargesii Canopy and Their Relationship to Photosynthetic Parameters in the Tiantong Mountain[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,2016,23(03):274-277.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation[ISSN 1005-3409/CN 61-1272/P] Volume:
Number of periods:
2016 03
Page number:
Public date:
- Title:
Characteristics of the Leaf Carbon Isotope in the Castanopsis fargesii Canopy and Their Relationship to Photosynthetic Parameters in the Tiantong Mountain
- Author(s):
PENG Shunlei1,2, YOU Wenhui1, WANG Qiang1, JIANG Yue1, YU Huaguang1
1. Key Laboratory of Ecological Restoration in the Hilly Area, Pingdingshan University, Pingdingshan, He’nan 467000, China;
2. School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
- Keywords:
Castanopsis fargesii; canopy; leaf carbon isotope; maximum assimilation rate (Amax); leaf nitrogen content per unit mass (Nmass)
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
Leaf carbon isotopic depletion exists in plant canopy, which indicates the photosynthetic heterogeneity of canopy. In order to study the temporal and spatial changes of leaf δ13C along canopy vertical gradient, and test whether the hypothesis of tree height limit from hydraulic limitation is true in the Castanopsis fargesii, the values of leaf δ13C, maximum assimilation rate (Amax), and leaf nitrogen content per unit mass (Nmass) were measured from crown to 8 m crown below in different months. The results showed that the different months and canopy heights significantly affected on canopy leaf δ13C (p < 0.01). The mean value of leaf δ13C ranged from -28.61‰ to -31.67‰ along canopy vertical gradients from crown to 8 m crown below, and significantly linearly decreased with the decrease of canopy heights (R2=0.727, p < 0.001). Canopy leaf δ13C significantly increased with the increase of Amax and Nmass (p < 0.000 1), and their relationship followed the logarithmic curve very well (R2=0.514 for Amax, and R2=0.610 for Nmass), which proved that the hypothesis of tree height limit from hydraulic limitation seems to be unlikely in the Castanopsis fargesii.