For Authors
Writing Guide

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1. Article Length

  The content of the article should be concise. The length of the article should be limited to 4~5 printed pages, or 8,000~10,000 words in Chinese.

2. Article Format

2.1 Title & Authors Information

  Article title should be concise, accurate and standardized, with no more than 20 words. Generally, subheading is not allowed. Chinese and English titles should be consistent.

An article should not have more than 6 authors. If an article has multiple authors, the corresponding author need to be indicated. Accurate information of author's institutions, including Chinese and English names, cities and postal codes, should be stated clearly.

2.2 Abstract & Keywords

  Abstract should focus on the innovations and findings of the research, and be limited to 200~300 words. Research articles should adopt structured abstract, including objective, methods, results and conclusion. For review articles where structured abstract is not applicable, traditional indicative abstracts can be used.

  Keywords should be accurate and standardized. The number of keywords for each article should be around 3~8. Both abstract and keywords should be consistent in Chinese and English.

2.3 CLC Number & Funding

  The Chinese Library Classification (CLC) Number should be marked below the keywords. Authors can refer to Chinese Library Book Classification (5th Edition) for relevant information.

  In addition, funding information should be indicated in the footnote at the bottom left of the first page of the article.

2.4 Main Body

  Introduction: clearly state the scientific question, the purpose, significance and background, as well as the main task of the research.

  Materials & Methods: state name, quantity and preparation method of the experimental materials. Authors should refer to relevant literature for suitable research methods. If author has improved research method or adopts new method, it should be described in detail.

Results & Analysis: observational and experimental evidence should be presented concisely.

Discussion: authors should discuss the principles and relationships demonstrated by the experimental results, clarify whether the research results are consistent with previous studies and whether there are any innovations, and point out the limitation and outstanding issues of the research.

2.5 References

  Articles should have no more than 15 references. Unpublished documents or materials should not be cited as references. If it is indeed necessary, they should be cited in the form of footnotes after obtaining the consent of the cited authors, and the authors of the article bear the responsibility for the copyright.

  Authors should cite the latest published literature as references, preferably in the past 10 years.

  Chinese references should be listed in both Chinese and English under the same serial number. If Chinese reference has no original English title, authors can translate its title into English with a note so that the editors can check the accuracy of the translation.

  For detailed writing rules of references, please refer to the journal's Chinese website and articles published recently.

2.6 Author Introduction

  It is required to attach the profiles of the first author and corresponding author on the first page of the article, including authors' names (year of birth-), gender, native place, degree, academic title, research area, E-mail and phone number.

3. Figures & Charts

  There should be no more than 4 figures and charts in a single article. Figures and charts should have both Chinese and English titles.

  For detailed requirements on the format of figures and charts, please refer to the Chinese website and recently published articles of the journal.

4. Units of Measurement, Symbols & Scientific Names

  The units of measurement, symbols and scientific names should be used in accordance with the Statutory Units of Measurement of the People's Republic of China promulgated by the National Bureau of Metrology. Compound units in figures and charts shall be written in the form of negative exponent. Foreign geographical names should be based on the World Geographical Names Manual, and the names of international organizations should be based on the United Nations and Related Organizations Translation Manual. Biological names appearing for the first time in the article should be marked with Latin literary names, and commonly used statistical symbols and variables in formulas should be italicized.

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Website Copyright: Research of Soil and Water Conservation Shaanxi ICP No.11014090-10
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