[1]Zhao Shiwei,Xu Xuexuan.A Study on the Yield-Factor Model of Cron with Ground Plastic Film[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,1996,3(01):118-121.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation[ISSN 1005-3409/CN 61-1272/P] Volume:
Number of periods:
Page number:
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- Title:
A Study on the Yield-Factor Model of Cron with Ground Plastic Film
- Author(s):
Zhao Shiwei, Xu Xuexuan
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100
- Keywords:
cron with ground plastic film; yield-factor model; cultivation technique
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
With the 3 factors 5 levels univesal rotation design field experiment on dryland cron with ground plastic film in south Ningxia hilly area, by establishing mathemastical model, this paper analysed the effect of N, Pin put and seeding density (D) for the yield: N D P, and the contribution of coordination effet for the yield: 2.3%-23.9%; and advanced the cultivation technique of cron yield >900kg/hm2 under normal rainfall condition: input of N≥198kg/hm2,P2O5127.5-183kg/hm2 and the seeding density 56 550-60 500 seedling/hm2.