[1]Han Shifeng,Shi Zhuye,Xu Jianrong.The Soil Water Use Efficiency of Main Crops in Southern Ningxia Semi-Arid Area[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,1996,3(01):112-117.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation[ISSN 1005-3409/CN 61-1272/P] Volume:
Number of periods:
Page number:
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- Title:
The Soil Water Use Efficiency of Main Crops in Southern Ningxia Semi-Arid Area
- Author(s):
Han Shifeng, Shi Zhuye, Xu Jianrong
Intsitute of Soil and Water Consmervation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100
- Keywords:
soil water; main corp; southern Ningxia; water use rate
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
Through experiments done during 1988-1995, the soil water use rate and soil wateruse efficiency of main crops were analyised.They are as follows: (1) The preclipitation use rate (PUR): spring wheat use 52.49% of precipitation others are peal 48.35%, Potato 82.56%, Flax 63.17% and Proso 75.27%.The PUR in slope land is higher than.that of table land or table land.(2)The soil water use rate (WUR) are respectively 50.77%, 47.71%, 61.89%,50.29% and 59.80% according above order.The WUR has the same tendency with above one.(3) The water use efficiency (WUE): 3.47, 3.18, 38.08, 2.44 and 9.13(unit: kg/hm2·mm).The order of WUE has some difference within difference topography, which is in the order: table land’s >tableland’s >slope land’s.From above analysis, we could see that WUR and WUE have great potentialities.The ways to raise includ: A: to adjust and redistribute the precipitation; B: to uptake water from any water body and irrigate corps; C: to bring up new drought resistant crop varieties; D: to raise the use rate of suplied effective water.