
(1.贵州大学 林学院, 贵阳 550025; 2.贵州大学 风景园林规划设计研究中心, 贵阳 550025)

黔中喀斯特地区; 多山城市; 城市扩展; 景观格局; 城市化背景

Urban Sprawl and Landscape Pattern of Hilly City in Central Guizhou Province Under the Backgroung of Fast Unbanization—Taking Anshun City as the Example
LI Rui1, WANG Zhitai1,2, BAO Yu1,2

(1.College of Forestry, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China; 2.Landscape Architecture Planning and Design Center, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China)

karst region in central Guizhou Province; hilly city; urban sprawl; landscape pattern; urbanization background


黔中岩溶地区特殊喀斯特自然地理环境形成多山型城市,为探析城市化背景下其城市扩展模式及城市生态问题的特殊性,以黔中典型的多山城市——安顺市为研究对象,基于2007年、2012年和2017年3期高分辨率卫星影像,结合现场调查和相关规划查询进行解译,对安顺市近10年景观格局时空变化特征进行了定量分析。结果 表明:(1)近10年安顺市建成区面积扩大了2.4倍,呈逐渐加速扩张的态势;(2)城市空间扩展可以概括为“水淹式网状扩展模式”;(3)耕地是城市扩展的主要贡献者,房地产行业驱动下土地经济是城市扩展的主要驱动因子,城市东西两侧山体既是城市扩展的阻力,又可以提供城市绿地,是城市扩展的主要吸引因素。研究结果对后续研究提供基础参考,并对安顺市城市建设工作具有指导意义。

The special karst natural geographical environment in the karst area of central Guizhou forms a mountainous city. In order to explore the particularity of the urban expansion mode and urban ecological problems under the background of urbanization, the typical mountainous city in central Guizhou—Anshun City was selected as the sample. Based on three high-resolution satellite images in 2007, 2012 and 2017, combination of field investigation and related planning inquiry, the spatial and temporal variation characteristics of landscape pattern in Anshun City in the past 10 years were analyzed. The results show that:(1)the area of built-up area of Anshun City had expanded 2.4 times in the past 10 years, showing a trend of gradual accelerated expansion;(2)urban space expansion can be summarized as the pattern of ‘flooded network expansion mode';(3)cultivated land was the main contributor to urban expansion, land economy driven by real estate industry was the main driving factor on urban expansion. These results can provide the basic reference for the follow-up study and have guiding significance for the urban construction work of Anshun City.