
(中国地质大学(北京)土地科学技术学院, 北京 100083)

生态服务价值; 小流域; 汾河上游

Evolution of Ecological Service Values Based on Small Watershed in the Upper Reaches of Fenhe River
WANG Yifan, SHI Xueyi

(School of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China)

ESV; small watershed; upper reaches of Fenhe River


为揭示汾河上游土地利用对生态服务价值的影响,确保汾河上游生态保护修复工程的顺利开展,以汾河上游区域为研究对象,以小流域为单元,基于该区域2006年、2011年、2016年3期遥感影像,参照生态系统服务价值当量估算法对区域进行了生态系统服务价值评估,并从总体格局和单项服务两个角度分析了其演变特征,为汾河上游“山水林田湖草”生态修复工程和土地利用调控提供科学参考。结果 表明:(1)汾河上游地区2006年、2011年、2016年的生态服务价值总量逐年递减,减少幅度为13.74%。(2)整体ESV分布在空间上存在较为明显的差异现象,山川ESV较高,而各乡镇中心及周边区域形成大范围ESV低值区。单项服务中水文调节功能的贡献率一直居于首位。(3)区域ESV存在一定程度的空间自相关性,ESV数值在低值区域聚类较为明显。期间增值热点区和损失冷热点区域分布有显著变化,热点区的聚类主要得益于地方退耕还林还草、三北防护林等生态措施,而冷点区与当地工业化、城镇化的推进等有密切关系。

In order to reveal the impact of land use on the ecological service value and ensure the smooth implementation of ecological protection and restoration projects in the upper reaches of the Fenhe River, taking the upper reaches of the Fenhe River as the research area, based on the small watershed as the unit, and based on the remote sensing images of the region in 2006, 2011 and 2016, we evaluated the of ecosystem service values in the region with reference to the equivalent estimation method. The evolution characteristics were analyzed from the perspective of overall pattern and individual service in order to provide the scientific reference for ecological restoration project of ‘mountain, forest, field, lake and grass' and land use regulation in the upper reaches of Fenhe River. The results show that:(1)the total value of ecological services in the upper reaches of the Fenhe River in 2006, 2011 and 2016 decreased year by year, and decreased by 13.74%;(2)there is a significant spatial difference in the overall ESV distribution; the mountain ESV was high, and the township center and surrounding areas were the large-scale areas with low ESVs; the contribution rate of hydrological regulation functions in single service had always been the first;(3)there is a certain degree of spatial autocorrelation in regional ESV, and ESVs were more obvious in low-value regions; during the period, there were significant changes in the distribution of the value-added hotspots and the loss of cold hotspots; the clusters in the hotspots mainly benefited from ecological measures such as returning farmland to forestlands and grasslands, and the Three-North Shelterbelt, while the cold spot area was closely related to the local industrialization and urbanization.