资助项目:国家自然科学基金(41172212); 重点科研平台条件建设项目(310829173306); 创新团队支持项目(学科建设)(310829173701)
第一作者:冯文文(1994—),男,陕西凤翔人,硕士研究生,研究方向为水文水资源研究。E-mail:835951069@qq.com 通信作者:钱会(1963—),男,陕西泾阳人,教授,博士,主要从事水文地球化学演化方面的教学与研究工作。E-mail:qianhui@chd.edu.com
为了研究降水与气候变化之间的关系,借助武功地区1955—2015年逐月降水量和气温实测资料,采用线性倾向估计、Mann-Kendall非参数检验、Morlet小波分析等方法,对武功地区近61年来气候变化背景下的降水特征进行了研究。结果 表明:武功地区年降水量总体上呈-15.56 mm/10 a的减少趋势,其中春、夏季降水量下降显著,秋、冬季则较为平缓; 年和季节降水量的典型突变时间节点在1983年附近,表明了年降水量和季节降水量变化趋势的一致性,也印证了20世纪90年代关中平原西部降水趋势发生了突变; 武功地区气候偏冷期主要在1955—1994年,气温降低使得年降水量呈39.46 mm/10 a的减少趋势; 气候偏暖期主要在1995—2015年,气温升高使得年降水量呈98.63 mm/10 a的增加趋势; 气候冷暖变化通过影响蒸发量、蒸腾量和水汽输送速度,来影响武功地区年降水量; 降水量增多有利于解决当地水资源短缺问题,同时也增加了极端天气和洪涝灾害发生的几率。
In order to study the relationship between precipitation and climate change, measured data of monthly precipitation and temperature in Wugong region from 1955 to 2015 were used to examine the climate change of Wugong area through linear trend estimation, Mann-Kendall nonparametric test and Morlet wavelet analysis. The results show that the annual precipitation of Wugong area decreased with a rate of 15.56 mm/decade, with intense diminishing in spring and summer, and mild declining in autumn and winter; the typical mutation of annual and seasonal precipitation series occurred around 1983, indicating the consistency of the annual and seasonal precipitation, and suggesting the mutation of precipitation in Wugong area during the 1990s; the chilling period in Wugong area covered the period from 1955 to 1994, in which the temperature decreasing led to the diminishing of precipitation with a rate of 39.46 mm/decade. However, the warmer duration of Wugong area was the period from 1995 to 2015, during which the increasing rate of precipitation was 98.63 mm/decade; the precipitation in Wugong area was affected by the effects of temperature on evapotranspiration and the water-vapor transfer rate; the increment of precipitation would benefit to the water resources shortage in Wugong area, and would lead to the extreme weather scenario and flood disasters.