HSU Chang-li,DAI Shin-yi,HSU Hon-min,et al.Effect of Sprayed Adhesive on the Red Soil Erodibility[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,2009,16(06):243-247.
- Title:
Effect of Sprayed Adhesive on the Red Soil Erodibility
- 作者:
许中立1, 戴欣怡2, 徐弘明2, 陈淑慈1, 陈佳吟1
1. 屏东科技大学 水土保持系, 台湾 屏东 912;
2. 屏东科技大学 坡地防灾及水资源工程研究所, 台湾 屏东 912
- Author(s):
HSU Chang-li1, DAI Shin-yi2, HSU Hon-min2, CHEN Shu-tzu1, CHEN Chai-in1
1. Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan 912, China;
2. Graduate Institute of Disaster Prevention on Hillslopes and Water Resources Engineering, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan 912, China
- 关键词:
土壤冲蚀; 粘着剂; 降雨强度; 坡度
- Keywords:
soil erosion; adhesive; rainfall intensity; slope
- 分类号:
- 摘要:
台湾因地形、地质与气候的关系故崩塌与土壤流失颇多,加上人为过度开发与土地超限利用结果,遂造成不少土砂灾害问题。为了加速国土的复育,水土保持植生工程中常加入黏着剂除使植物种子有效的停留于坡面生长外,也有保护坡面防止土壤冲蚀的目的。研究乃以亚热带地区常见的红壤为试样,喷洒常用的3种粘着剂,并在降雨强度50,80,110 mm/h及坡度16.7°,21.8°与28.8°的情况下进行60 min试验。结果表明:高分子黏着剂较其它2种材料能保持稳定的抗冲蚀效果,压克力树脂于高强度降雨冲蚀较多,德国柏油乳剂则坡度愈陡冲蚀愈多。
- Abstract:
Because of the topography, geology and climate, so there are quite many landslides and soil loss in Taiwan. Furthermore, people exceed the land utilized limit for overdevelopment and the result should cause much more sediment disasters question. In order to accelerate national land reconstruction, vegetation engineering of soil and water conservation often put adhesive into the project of sprayed work to make plant seed effective staying and growing, and there is the purpose of protecting slope land surface for soil erosion. This research regard common red soils of subtropical area as testing samples, spray three kinds adhesive to carry on 60 min test with the rainfall intensity 50, 80, 110 mm/h and slope gradient 16.7°, 21.8°, 28.8°. The results show that soil spraying with polymer adhesive treatment can remain stable reodibility more than other two kinds material. Soil spraying with acrylic resin treatment has more soil erosion in high strength rainfall. Soil spraying German bitumen emulsion treatment has more soil erosion in steep slope conduction.
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