Sin-hing Chung,Wen-fu Chen.Soil and Water Conservation Impact of Constructing Hillslope Land to be Golf Courses in Taiwan[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,1995,2(03):89-106.
- Title:
Soil and Water Conservation Impact of Constructing Hillslope Land to be Golf Courses in Taiwan
- 作者:
郑新兴, 陈文福
- Author(s):
Sin-hing Chung, Wen-fu Chen
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chung Hsing University, Taichung Taiwan
- 关键词:
水土保持影响; 高尔夫球场; 山坡地; 小区域水文; 生态系统
- Keywords:
soil and water conservation impact; golf courses; hillslope land; local hydrology; ecosystem
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The economical development is prosperous in Taiwan recently.The constructing of golf courses is also aroused.There are about fifty golf courses increased in recent.five years and the total area of eighty four golf courses is 529I hm2, including the new increased fifty.Because Taiwan is a tropical island and most of tile hillslope land is steep.Nevertheless, the plane area is densely populated and farmed thus the land for constructing golf courses is extremely limited.For the demand of the golf courses, it is a big trend to construct hillslope land to be golf courses.Due to the special topographic and climatic situation, the hillslope land is badly damaged by bulldozers during constructing golf courses.A large amount of top soil will be washed off and it will cause serious sediment disaster and environmental impact.Owing to the impact of the soil and water resources caused by golf courses, the influence can be divided into three periods: before, during, and after construction.In comparison, the soil and water conservation is much more impacted during the constructing period than before and after the constructing period.After golf courses have been constructed and begin to operate, the influence is less obviously.Since it did a great change to the primary hillslope land and that would cause great damage, it is necessary to do further observation, detection and research to see how the long period influence for the local hydrology and ecosystem will be.
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