Li Xianglan,Zheng Jianyeng,Wu Ruijun.Growth and Decline and Balance of Organic Matter in Newly Built Loessal Soil Farmland in Ansai County[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,1996,3(02):23-28.
- Title:
Growth and Decline and Balance of Organic Matter in Newly Built Loessal Soil Farmland in Ansai County
- 作者:
李香兰, 郑剑英, 吴瑞俊
中国科学院、水利部水土保持研究所 陕西杨陵 712100
- Author(s):
Li Xianglan, Zheng Jianyeng, Wu Ruijun
Institute of Sod and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100
- 关键词:
有机质消长; 腐殖化系数; 矿化质系数
- Keywords:
growth and decline of organic matter; humification coefficient; mineralization coefficient
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
By ways of field-position and nylon sack simulation, the organic matter in newly built farmland of Loessal soil was studied.The conclusion is come to as follows: 1.Increasing the amount of fertilizer applied, especially, the organic manure to a newly built farmland of Loessal soil is a primary way to raise the content of soil organic matter in loess hilly and gully region of north Shaanxi.2.In addtion to climatic factors,the humification coefficient of crop root stubble is closely related to its chemical composition.The humification coefficient order from bigger to smaller of 4 crops root stubble is broom corn millet, soybean, millet and buck wheet, 3.The mineralization coefficient of original soil organic matter,the datums evaluated chemi-dynamics reation equation of rank I is steadier in fallow land than in others, and it is close to field actual condition, 4.By using the quantitative manure applied model of organic matter balance, it could be calculated that the amount of organic manure applied with which to achieve the aim of cultivating soil fertility in respect of organic manure in north Shaanxi area of loessal soil.
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