Cheng-ping Yen,Wan-fu Chen.Delineation of Potential Landslide Regions on Hillslope Land of Hsing-Yi District in Taipei City[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,1995,2(03):107-120.
- Title:
Delineation of Potential Landslide Regions on Hillslope Land of Hsing-Yi District in Taipei City
- 作者:
颜正平, 陈文福
- Author(s):
Cheng-ping Yen, Wan-fu Chen
Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Chung Hsing University, Taichung Taiwan
- 关键词:
潜在崩坍; 地理资讯系统; 图层; 套叠分析; 主题图; 数位图; 大地座标
- Keywords:
potential; landslide; geographical; information system; coverage; overlay analysis; thematic map; digital map; geodetic reference system
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The geological structure is so complicated that there are numerous fault zones in Taiwan, frequent earthquake makes the geological structure fragile, high temperature and enough rainfall make weather easily, often suffer from typhoon because it locates on the route of West Atlantic typhoon, those factors above increase the potential landslide in Taiwan.In addition, Taipei city is the political and economic center of Taiwan, the econnmic development is so prosperous, the enterprises and the population are so dense that the protection of the hillslope land around it is under great cultivation pressure.Owing to be a basin, if the hillslope land around it is not properly cultivated or over-cultivated, it often cause floods and landslides.The citizens’ properties and "tilttes are greatly threatened.Apparently, the delineation of potential landslide regions becomes the most important issue.We chose those factors such as totography, geology, soil, plantation.hydrology, human environment, and landuse to analyze and use GIS software ARC/INFO to creater reative cot.erage of those factors in this research and use them to do overlay analysis according to the weights of those factors.The results are:1.we made various kinds of thematic maps’ from potential landslide factors.2.we made an integrated result map of delineation of potential landslide regions.3.the result map use geodetic reference system, so that it is easy to inquire any geographical information in this area.4.We suggest that it would be good to manage those delineated areas if we classify them into the following four categories: (1) Absolutely dangerous area: must prohibit any kind of cultivation without any reason. (2) Dangerous area: no cultivation in principle, and if it is badly necessary, we must check the soil and water conservation proposal closely. (3) Potential dangerous area: must prohibit any type or any form of cultivation that may cause danger. (4) Safe are a:when there is a applying case that will cultivate within the safe areas, we have better make a closely field suveying so that we can avoid the danger of its downstream areas that may caused from the unproper cultivation sensitive hillslope land area.We can also avoid the disasters and unfortunes.
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