Chen Tongbin.Application of A Combined Technique of SB/D Combined Impregnantion with ICP Speatrum Instrument in the Determining Effectiveness of Soil Nutrient and Toxic Elements[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,1995,2(01):56-60.
- Title:
Application of A Combined Technique of SB/D Combined Impregnantion with ICP Speatrum Instrument in the Determining Effectiveness of Soil Nutrient and Toxic Elements
- 作者:
中国科学院、国家计划委员会地理研究所 北京农业生态站 北京 100101
- Author(s):
Chen Tongbin
Beijing Agricultural Ecological Station of Cerographic Institute Academia Sinica and the Committee of National Plan Beijing 100101
- 关键词:
SB/D多元素联合浸提剂; ICP光谱仪; 石灰性土壤; 化学元素有效性测定; 生物相关性检验
- Keywords:
SB/D combined impregnantion with many elements; ICP speatrum instrument; calcareous soil; the effective determination of chemical elements; the interrelated test of living things
- 摘要:
通过对华北平原24个石灰性土壤(褐土、褐潮上、潮土)的研究表明,ICP光谱仪可准确地分析NaHCO3-DTPA(即SB/D)联合浸提剂所浸提的P、K、Ca、Mg、S、Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu、B 10种养分元素和Ph、Cd、AS、Se 4种有毒元素的含量,用SB/D联合浸提剂-ICP光谱仪联用技术测定上述元素在各供试土壤中的有效含量,与盆栽试验中空白处理的植物地上部化学元素吸收量、常规化学分析方法的测定结果和产量效应呈显着的相关性。因此,该联用技术可适用上述各元素有效性测定。采用此项联用技术可大幅度提高土壤中化学元素的有效性测定的自动化水平和测定速度,同时还拓宽了土壤有效养分测定方法的应用范围,使之既可以用于农业研究中土壤肥力水平的土壤测定,又可用于环境监测中有毒元素毒害水平的化学评价。
- Abstract:
By the study of 24 Kinds of calcareous soil in Huabei flatland, it was indicated that the contents of P, K, Ca, Mg S, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu.B, Pb, Cd, AS, Se, elenents that were impregnanted by the combined impregnantion of NaHCO3-DTPA(SB/D)can be analysed accurately by ICP speatrum instrument. The effective contents of the above elements that were measured by SB/D Combined impregnantion with ICP speatrum instrument are remarkblee interrelatlvity to the chemical elements absorb amount of above ground plant of contrast treatment in pot experiment, and to the resultsr of old routine chemical analysis way and to the yield effectiveness. Therefore, this combined techniques can be used to determine every element which mentioned above. The automative level and deterimimive velocity of determining chemical element’s effectiveness in soil can be enhanced by a big margin with appling this combined technique. At the same time, the aptable range of this way to determine chemical element’s effectiveness in soil have been developed which can make the way be used to determine soil fertilizty in agricultural research and to evaluate contamination level of the toxic elements in environmental monitor.
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