Zhang Shuguang,Wang Yu,Hu Guangrong.Primary Research to the Fossil Soil in the Loess Profile at Xingji[J].Research of Soil and Water Conservation,1987,(01):20-28.
- Title:
Primary Research to the Fossil Soil in the Loess Profile at Xingji
- 作者:
张淑光, 王玉, 胡光荣
- Author(s):
Zhang Shuguang, Wang Yu, Hu Guangrong
- 摘要:
新集黄土剖面位于陕西扶风县境内渭河第四级阶地上。剖面出露有马兰黄土(Q3)和离石黄土上部(Q22),厚38m,见有五层古土壤。根据黄土的性质,剖面处于碳酸盐风化壳阶段。黄土中碳酸盐含量10.0—16.5%,古土壤则为0.19—6.0%,全剖面的 SiO2、Al2O3和 Fe2O3含量分别为54.0—66.6%、11.6—15.8%、4.8—6.6%。古土壤中的铁铝含量均较黄土为高。但在减去碳酸钙后,差别不甚明显。黄土和古土壤中的粘土矿物主要为伊利石,剖面呈盐基饱和。根据古土壤的结构和性征,这些埋藏的土壤属褐土类土壤。
- Abstract:
The loess profile is located on the fourth terrace of Weihe River, Fufeng county,Shaanxi Prov.There are,in the 38m of thickness from the bottom to the top,upper middle pleistocene loess(Q22)and late pleistocene loess(Q3)·Five layers of the fossile soil can be found in theprofile.According to the loessic characteristics,it is still in the carbonate weathering stage.The carbonate content of the profile is 10.0-16.5 percent in the loess and 0.19-6.0 percent in the fossil soil,SiO2 content in whole profile is 54.0-66.6 percent and Al2O3 and Fe2O3 content is respectively 11.6-15.8 and 4.8-6.6 percent.Both the amount of Fe and A1 content in fossile soil are more than that in loess,but the difference is not considerable when the calcium carbonate is taken out. The clay minerals in both fossile soil and loess are mainly made up of illite,the base is saturated.Based on the structure and characteristics of the soil in this profile,the palesol should be classified as Drab soil.
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